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    I understand that Perfect Astro Solutions makes no guarantees on any matter



    Terms and Conditions

    1. Perfect Astro Solutions are based on non-traditional methods which have not been defined by any scientific or non scientific subject.
    1. Perfect Astro Solutions aims on bridging gaps between astrology and scientific and biological subjects.
    1. Perfect Astro Solutions aims to pin point problems, define guidelines to produce results in forms of remedies, utilities and precautions
    2. Perfect Astro Solutions does not guarantee assured results as the subject and methods devised are based on theoretical knowledge. Perfect Astro Solutions will not be held liable for action/inaction of any recommendations/remedies given during the consultation
    3. The information, data and materials are constantly changing based on results obtained over a period of time and may change over time without notice.


    I, ________________________(client)  have read this Agreement and agree to the terms and conditions.

    (Client Signature)


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